With the order of His Highness the Crown Prince, Prime Minister.. Minister of Social Development: direct disbursement of social assistance and disabled allawance befor holy month of Ramadan.

With in the order of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to double the allowances of social assistance disability before the holy month of Ramadan, and His Highness’s directive to the Ministry of Social Development to begin disbursing these benefits before the holy month of Ramadan. In order to reduce the living burdens on low-income families in light of the requirements of the holy month, His Excellency Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour, Minister of Social Development, confirmed that the Ministry immediately began implementing His Highness’s order, in coordination with the concerned authorities, to disburse these dues before the month of Ramadan. Ramadan, and transfer it to the beneficiary citizens in their bank accounts on the specified date. In this context, His Excellency the Minister of Social Development appreciated the order of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, which embodies the constant keenness to ensure the sustainability of family and social stability among various groups of society, especially those with limited income, within the framework of securing the social protection system, in a way that returns With goodness and benefit to everyone. ​

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