Child Welfare Home Service
The Child Welfare Home is a social institution affiliated to the Ministry of Social Development to care children with unknown parents, orphans and children from broken families up to the age of 18 years. The Child Welfare Foundation has a board of trustees that contributes to financing the living, social, health, psychological and recreational services for them, and providing adequate temporary housing until the end of higher education or work and self-reliance.
The child must be Bahraini.
To be full of growth and free from diseases.
The child must be from the children who have no families or who belong to broken families unable to care for them and there is neither supporter who can provide for him nor money to live on.
The presence of one or both parents in a hospital or prison and the inability of the other to take care of the child alone.
Coordination with the relevant government authorities to complete the information about the child.
Collecting supplementary information about the child's family, if any.
Submit a written request from the government bodies or specialized civil social institutions to place the child in the Home to care for it.
- Conduct social research on the family.
- Coordination with the Child Protection Center to study the case and issue a decision to detain the child in a child welfare home.
Obtain the guardian’s signature on a written undertaking to take back the child after the family’s conditions improve and become able to look after the child.
Obtain a written commitment from the guardian’ receiving the child that the Home’s Administration must not be responsible for take care the child.
The child's age must not exceed 7 years.
A child of a broken family is allowed to visit its family after obtaining the approval of the Home’s Administration.
Families is authorized to visit their children who are temporarily residing in the Home according to a special arrangement made with the Home’s Administration.
A child is admitted into the Home if it fulfils the following conditions:
Children of unknown parentage or fathers:
Orphans and children from broken families:
Procedures for entering cases:
Receipt of the service request letter from the competent authorities to admit the child in the home for his / her care.
Conduct social research of the family.
Comprehensive medical examination of the child.
Obtaining a judicial decision on the status of the child.
The guardian's signature - in cases of children of divided families - on a written undertaking to retrieve the child after the improvement of the family's conditions and the proven ability to care for him / her.
Preparing the children's files according to the following:
Prepare a file that contains the child’s official papers as well as the name of the child if it is of unknown parentage or unknown father.
Preparing a social, psychological and educational file for the child.
Preparing a file for comprehensive medical examination.
The child’s relationship to the Home is terminated in the following cases:
The child’s death.
The child is handed over to a foster family.
The child is handed over to its guardian upon his/her request and after making sure that the family conditions have improved.
Referral of a child with a disability to a social institution.