Launching the national awareness campaign to protect children from exploitation and electronic blackmail
المنامة في 10 يوليو/بنا/ أُعلن اليوم عن إطلاق الحملة الوطنية التوعوية لحماية الأطفال من الاستغلال والابتزاز الإلكتروني بحضور كل من سعادة الدكتور علي بن فضل البوعينين النائب العام، ومعالي الشيخ خالد بن علي آل خليفة نائب رئيس المجلس الأعلى للقضاء رئيس محكمة التمييز، وسعادة السيد أسامة بن أحمد العصفور وزير التنمية الاجتماعية، وسعادة الدكتور محمد بن مبارك جمعة وزير التربية والتعليم، وسعادة السيدة روان بنت نجيب توفيقي وزيرة شؤون الشباب، والفريق طارق بن حسن الحسن رئيس الأمن العام، وعدد من كبار الشخصيات في مختلف الجهات. وتهدف الحملة التي تأتي بتنظيم من النيابة العامة ووزارة الداخلية، ووزارة التنمية الاجتماعية، ووزارة التربية والتعليم، ووزارة العدل والشؤون الإسلامية والأوقاف، ووزارة الإعلام، بالتعاون والشراكة مع الأمانة العامة للمجلس الأعلى للقضاء، ووزارة شؤون الشباب وهيئة المعلومات والحكومة الإلكترونية، والمؤسسة الوطنية لحقوق الإنسان، وهيئة تنظيم الاتصالات، ومعهد الدراسات القضائية والقانونية، ومركز الاتصال الوطني، تهدف إلى التوعية بشتى الوسائل الممكنة بمخاطر تعرض الأطفال لممارسات الاستغلال والابتزاز في الفضاء الإلكتروني بما في ذلك توعية الأطفال، ورفع مؤشر الرقابة لدى أولياء الأمور ومتولي المسؤولية عن الطفل في المجالات التي يوجد فيها، والإلمام بطرق التعامل مع الحالات التي من الممكن أن تكون ضحية للاستغلال والابتزاز الإلكتروني، وضوابط السماح للأطفال بالتعامل مع الفضاء الإلكتروني واستعمالهم الوسائط المتصلة بالإنترنت، فضلاً عن استخدام تطبيقات الحماية الإلكترونية. هذا وقد تم إطلاق الحملة في لقاء جامع حضره ممثلو الجهات المنظمة والمشاركة في تلك الحملة وعدد من الشخصيات العامة. وفي كلمته التي ألقاها لإعلان إطلاق هذه الحملة الوطنية ذكر النائب العام سعادة الدكتور علي بن فضل البوعينين أن رسالة النيابة العامة ترتبط بما تكفله المملكة للمواطنين والمقيمين من حقوق ارتباطاً وثيقاً، ومن ثم فلها دور مواز في حماية المجتمع والحفاظ على مقوماته البشرية والمادية تشارك به الجهود المبذولة لتنفيذ الاستراتيجيات الوطنية، وأن النيابة العامة تحرص من هذا المنطلق على رصد أي أسباب أو ممارسات تقود إلى ارتكاب الجريمة، وتخضعها للدراسة والتحليل، وتقدر مدى تأثيرها على السلوك الفردي ومردود ذلك على المجتمع ككل، لترى بعد ذلك أوجه المساهمة التي من الممكن أن تشارك بها لإزالة هذه الأسباب. ويأتي ذلك إيماناً منها بأن المواجهة الجادة للجريمة بمختلف أنواعها وأشكالها لا يمكن أن تأتي لاحقةً على وقوعها فتقتصر فقط على ترتيب المسؤولية الجنائية والمساءلة عنها، بل يتعين القضاء على الأسباب المؤدية إليها، والعمل على توفير بيئة مجتمعية تحكمها المبادئ الأخلاقية التي تضبط المناهج والسلوك بما من شأنه الحد من الجريمة وانخفاض نسبتها ومعدلاتها البيانية. مشيراً إلى أن هذه الحملة الوطنية تهدف إلى حماية الأطفال من الممارسات غير المشروعة عبر الفضاء الإلكتروني خاصة مع اتساع نطاقه وتعدد استخداماته وإتاحته للكافة ولجميع الفئات العمرية، ولهذا فقد اتجهت إرادة النيابة العامة والوزارات الموقرة لتكثيف الجهود للإفاقة إلى مخاطر تلك الممارسات إزاء الأطفال، والعمل على رفع مستوى الوعي لديهم ولدى أولياء الأمور والمسؤولين عن تربيتهم في جميع الأوساط. فيما نوه النائب العام إلى أن المجال مفتوح لكل جهة وفرد للمساهمة في مواجهة هذه المخاطر ولتأمين سلامة أطفالنا. كما دعا إلى تدارس الواقع والنظر فيما يمكن أن يُستحدث تقنياً أو إجرائياً مما قد يُرى لازماً لاستكمال منظومة مكافحة الجرائم الإلكترونية وبالأخص الواقعة على الأطفال، وتلك التي تنال من قيم المجتمع وثوابته. ومن ناحية أخرى ألقى سعادة السيد أسامة بن أحمد العصفور، وزير التنمية الاجتماعية، كلمة أعرب فيها عن اهتمام الوزارة بتنظيم هذه الحملة الوطنية، والتي تأتي في إطار الشراكة المجتمعية من أجل توعية الأطفال وأسرهم، وللنهوض بقضايا سلامة وأمن هذه الفئة المهمة التي تعد النواة الأساسية للمجتمع، مؤكداً أن مملكة البحرين قد نفذت العديد من المبادرات الوطنية التي تدعم الآليات والإجراءات المعمول بها لوقف العنف ضد الأطفال، حيث صدرت العديد من القوانين المتوافقة مع المبادئ والمعايير الدولية، كان أبرزها قانون العدالة الإصلاحية والأطفال وحمايتهم من سوء المعاملة تؤازرها جهود الحكومة الموقرة من أجل تنفيذ أولويات المشاريع والبرامج الموجهة للأطفال. كما أشار إلى خطورة محاولات استغلال الأطفال وما تشكله من انتهاك لحقوق الطفل الأساسية وتسببه من أضرار نفسية وجسدية، مشيراً إلى ضرورة الإفاقة إلى تلك الممارسات وإطلاق حملات التوعية والتثقيف لمواجهتها. وفي كلمة ألقاها سعادة الدكتور محمد بن مبارك جمعة، وزير التربية والتعليم، أشاد بالتعاون القائم بين الوزارة والمنظمين في إطلاق هذه الحملة الوطنية إيماناً منهم بأن حماية النشء وتحقيق المصالح الفضلى للطفل هي مسألة يجب أن تتضافر فيها الجهود بما في ذلك الأسرة لغرس القيم والأخلاق الحميدة فيهم، والتي تنبع من أصالة المجتمع البحريني وخصوصيته وهويته وثوابته الوطنية، مشيراً إلى أن الحملة تبرز أهمية الدور الوقائي باستباق الأخطار السيبرانية ودرء السلوكيات المنحرفة التي تترك آثارها السلبية على بناء شخصياتهم وتوازنهم النفسي وقدرتهم على الاندماج الاجتماعي والتحصيل الدراسي، مضيفاً أن الوزارة في إطار دورها الوقائي تعمل على تربية النشء تربية سليمة وتعزيز السلوكيات القويمة وتوفير بيئة مدرسية آمنة ومحفزة للتعليم، وتستند في عملها إلى الاتفاقيات الدولية التي انضمت إليها المملكة، وفي هذا الصدد عملت على تضمين الأمن السيبراني في المناهج الدراسية. كما وضعت دليلاً استرشادياً للتعامل مع حالات التنمر والابتزاز والتحرش وغيرها من الظواهر السلبية في المدارس ومؤسسات التعليم المبكر، ولائحة مسلكية لمتابعة سلوكهم، ولتعزيز دورها التربوي والتثقيفي، فقد وفرت الوزارة اختصاصيي الإرشاد الاجتماعي، وعملت على تقوية العلاقات الأسرية عبر برنامج خاص. فيما عقدت ملتقى تربوي لأولياء الأمور لتوعيتهم بأهمية حماية أبنائهم من إساءة استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وكيفية الوقاية من الجرائم السيبرانية. كما ألقى سعادة الفريق طارق بن حسن الحسن، رئيس الأمن العام، كلمة أشار فيها إلى اتساع استخدامات الفضاء الإلكتروني في شتى المجالات ومناحي الحياة، إلا أنه مع ذلك ينطوي على مخاطر جمة وتهديدات حقيقية يواجهها الأطفال بصفة خاصة على نحو يهدد سلامتهم النفسية والجسدية وصحتهم العقلية، وتفسد أخلاقهم وتؤثر على سلوكياتهم بسبب تعرضهم من خلاله للاستغلال الجنسي والتنمر والاحتيال، ومن ثم فقد باتت مواجهة تلك المخاطر والعمل على الحد منها أولوية ملحة تتطلب من الجميع بذل أقصى الجهود وتوفير سبل الحماية والوقاية، مشيراً إلى أن وزارة الداخلية قد اعتمدت استراتيجيتها الأمنية القائمة على الاستباقية في التصدي للجريمة بشكل عام، وتحقيق الأمن الشامل من خلال توظيف أحدث وسائل التكنولوجيا ومواكبة أحدث النظم والآليات في هذا الشأن، وبناء على ذلك أُنشئت وحدة حماية الطفل في الفضاء الإلكتروني بموجب قرار معالي وزير الداخلية. ودعا إلى اتخاذ ما يلزم لتوفير الحماية في الفضاء الإلكتروني عموماً والأطفال بصفة خاصة، منوهاً بأهمية الحملة الوطنية التوعوية لحماية الأطفال من الاستغلال والابتزاز الإلكتروني، وبضرورة العمل على تحديث التشريعات وتفعيل دور الجهات الرقابية والاهتمام بالتدريب وتعزيز دور الأسرة مع غرس الوازع الديني والأخلاقي وتعزيز الانتماء الوطني لدى النشء. هذا ومن المقرر أن تبدأ فعاليات وأنشطة هذه الحملة الوطنية اعتباراً من اليوم وحتى نهاية العام الجاري.
To confer ways to enhance coordination andcombined cooperation.. The Minister of Social Development receives the official representative of the World Health Organization
H.E. Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfoor, Minister of Social Development, received Dr. Tasnim Ghaleb Atatreh, Representative of the World Health Organization in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in the presence of a Ministry's and the Organization officials. Heading the meeting, the Minister of Social Development praised the role of the World Health Organization and its prominent efforts aiming to prompt healthy lifestyles in communities, stressing the Ministry’s keenness to consolidate cooperation feilds in order to support the aspirations of various groups of society, including the elderly and disabilities, within the framework of implementing the national strategy. For the elderly, and the National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities, in partnership with various sectors in order to provide aspects of health care to their importance in society. Discussion held about the important services provided by the Ministry to various groups of society, especially the elderly and people with disabilities, were also reviewed, ensuring the provision of health and social care for them and enhancing their participation in society, in addition to the Ministry’s efforts to empower them through several development and social programs and initiatives, in addition to discussing a number of Topics of common interest. For her part, Dr. Tasnim Ghaleb Atatreh, Representative of the World Health Organization in the Kingdom of Bahrain, expressed her appreciation for the efforts taken by the Ministry of Social Development, stressing the importance of strengthening cooperation between the two entities in order to implement the national strategies of the Kingdom of Bahrain in accordance with the aspirations related to health fields.
In the presence of the Minister of Social Development .. The Launch of the Second Edition of the Gulf International Forum and Cooperate Social Responsibility Award
In the presence of H.E Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al Asfoor, Minister of Social Development, and with largest number of experts and those interested participated in social responsibility programs from the Kingdom of Bahrain and the GCC countries, the second edition of the Gulf International Forum and Cooperate Social Responsibility Award was launched today in the Kingdom of Bahrain titled "Strategic Practice for a best future", organized by the Bahrain Society for Social Responsibility and the Eastern Region Council for Social Responsibility in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which includes a group of leading companies and entities in the field of social responsibility. On this occasion, H.E. the Minister of Social Development affirmed the Kingdom of Bahrain's commitment to supporting programs and projects aimed at achieving sustainable development social services, praising the outstanding achievements made by the Kingdom in the field of social responsibility, which complement the government's efforts and achievements in the field of sustainable development, in addition to the Kingdom's successful experiences in social responsibility applications, aimed at establishing the concept of protection and care, and empowering individuals. At the beginning of the conference, H.E> pointed out that the second edition of the conference and award comes to emphasize the region's wealth of human capabilities of managing vital issues and enhancing the quality of work in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development, with the aim of shaping a positive and sustainable future that reflects a deep awareness and belief in the human and societal values of volunteer work among officials and workers in these fields. In this context, he stressed the Ministry of Social Development's keenness to honor these distinguished and innovative efforts that highlight an exemplary commitment to the values of social responsibility with the aim of enhancing quality and achieving the desired positive impact. The conference aims to enhance cooperation and integration between government and private entities in the field of social responsibility, and to form a platform for thought leaders from various sectors and industries to exchange ideas, strategies, best practices and success stories in social responsibility and sustainable development. The event also celebrates the distinguished efforts and achievements in the field of social responsibility with the attendance of a diverse group of experts and specialists, to enhance awareness of the importance of social responsibility and to highlight exemplary companies and institutions in implementing the principles of social responsibility. At the end of the event, H.E. the Minister of Social Development honored the distinguished organizations, companies and institutions in the field of social responsibility, wishing the winning entities success and calling for the continuation of such purposeful projects as part of strengthening the principles of community partnership.
The Minister of Social Development attandce the opening of the workshop "Implementing an innovative community initiatives in the field of elderly care"
H.E. Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al Asfoor, Minister of Social Development, attanded today, Tuesday, a training workshop entitled "Implementing an innovative community initiatives in the field of elderly care", which was organized by the Ebrahim Khalil Kanoo Social Club for Parents in cooperation with the Regional Network for Social Responsibility, in the presence of Mr. Ahmed Al Banna, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Club, and the participation of a number of specialists and those interested in the field of social care and community innovation. The workshop addressed a number of topics, most notably the concept of innovative community initiatives in the field of elderly care and their impact on beneficiaries and supporters, and the principles that help achieve innovation, in addition to training participants on preparing and designing methodologies for innovative community initiatives and raising awareness of the importance of harmonizing community initiatives according to recognized professional tools. In his opening speech, His Excellency praised the importance of the workshop topic and its role in training and empowering workers in the field of elderly care to enhance the vision and mission of the institution within a development perspective that is compatible with community initiatives and in accordance with the concepts of raising institutional performance and competitiveness, in order to ensure the achievement of sustainable development goals. His Excellency also stressed the valuable initiatives that reflect the Kingdom of Bahrain's growing commitment to empowering the elderly to integrate and contribute more effectively to society in the areas of sustainable development, pointing at the same time to enhancing the combination of positive and effective efforts in community partnership with civil sector institutions with this generous group, and working with all care to provide comprehensive care for them, especially since the Ministry of Social Development has developed a clear vision supported by programs and projects aimed at achieving protection and care, and providing social and development services to senior citizens to benefit from their experiences and capabilities.
It was held on the sidelines of the 3rd Arab Forum for Equality.. The Ministry of Social Development participates in the meeting of the15th session of the Social Development Committee of the UN Econom
The Ministry of Social Development participated in the meeting of the 15th session of the Social Development Committee of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), which was held on the sidelines of the 3rd Arab Forum for Equality in the Republic of Egypt. The meeting discussed number of common social files between Arab countries, in addition to reviewing the programs of expert teams concerned with the sector of persons with disabilities and those concerned with reforming social protection, in order to support and coordinate cooperation and exchange experiences on social protection issues at the regional level. The working sessions also discussed global and regional efforts to deal with crises and provide emergency humanitarian aid to various groups, in addition a spotlight on public policies to ensure sustainable development, highlighting the successful experiences of Arab countries in dealing with the fight against epidemics, and the extent of the influence of social and economic systems in maintaining equality. For all segments of society, with the participation of an elite group of decision-makers in Arab countries regarding social and economic development, in addition to the banking sector, international specialists in human development, international institutes and universities, and a number of entrepreneurs. At the end of the forum’s sessions, a meeting of the expert group on social protection reform was held with the participation of member states, which discussed mechanisms for implementing the decisions of the meeting of the 15th session of the Committee for Social Development of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), in addition to the recommendations of the 3rd Arab Forum for Equality.
The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Social Development launch the summer program “Maa'n”
The Ministry of Interior, in coordination with the Ministry of Social Development, launched the summer program “Maa'n”, which is the first model program of its kind in partnership and cooperation with the Anti-Violence and Addiction Program (Maa'n), targeting children under the age of 18 who are members of the Child Protection Center of the Ministry of Social Development. This program comes within the framework of strengthening the principles of community partnership and achieving the best interest of the child in accordance with the purposes of the Law on Restorative Justice for Children and their Protection from Abuse. On this occasion, Ms. Zainab Salman Al-Awainati, Assistant Undersecretary for Welfare and Social Rehabilitation at the Ministry of Social Development, explained the importance of this program in achieving the desired strategic goals of the Child Protection Center and its role in enhancing the behavioral and skill development of children by relying on educational content that has proven its positive impact on children and its contributions to refining knowledge and skills. To face various challenges. Pointing that the “Maa'n” summer program comes within the strategic plan of the Committee to Combat Violence and Addiction, and it is one of the initiatives emanating from the committee and includes a group of interactive workshops and lectures in which children participated, in addition to the “Maa'n” awareness exhibition accompanying the program, which includes a number of educational departments. Which is based on the lessons of the Together Awareness Curricula. The inauguration of the program was attended by Ms. Zainab Salman Al-Awainati, Assistant Undersecretary for Welfare and Social Rehabilitation at the Ministry of Social Development, Major General Mona Ali Abdul Rahim, Director General of the General Administration of Women’s Police, Colonel Maryam Al-Bardoli, Head of the Juvenile Welfare Center, Mr. Ali Ahmed Amini, Director of the Anti-Violence and Addiction Program “Maa'n,” and Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Fadala, Social Welfare Director at the Ministry of Social Development.
The Minister of Social Development chairs the 2nd meeting of the Family Microfinance House (FMH)
H.E. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al Asfoor, Minister of Social Development and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Family Microfinance House (FMH), chaired the 2nd meeting of the Board of Directors of the Family House for Microfinance. During the meeting, a number of items on the agenda were discussed, including following up on the progress of work at the Family Microfinance House (FMH), the achievements and results of the bank's operations, in addition to reviewing the bank's plan for the upcoming period. In this regard, H.E.the Minister of Social Development praised the efforts of the executive management and the Family Microfinance House (FMH) team in adopting flexible policies to ensure the provision of easy financial financing to its clients who own medium and small projects, in addition to striving to achieve the bank's social and humanitarian goals. On the other side, the members of the Board of Directors of the Family Microfinance House (FMH) expressed their appreciation & gratitude to the governmental institutions that support the bank's objective's, which contributes in enhancing opportunities for providing financing facilities for micro-projects.
The Minister of Social Development receives a delegation from the World Bank Group
H.E. Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour, Minister of Social Development, received a delegation from the World Bank Group, headed by Dr. Christopher Herbst, Leader of the Human Development Program, and in the presence of a number of ministry officials, to discuss ways of joint cooperation between the two sides. During the meeting, the efforts of the Ministry of Social Development in the sectors of community development, care and social rehabilitation were reviewed, in addition to the executive plan for the national strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities, and the areas of protection and care for various groups of society, including people with disabilities and the elderly. For their part, the World Bank Group delegation expressed their appreciation for the efforts of the Ministry of Social Development in providing aspects of protection and social care, looking forward to consolidating joint cooperation to learn about the best practices implemented by the Ministry in the areas of protection and care for persons with disabilities and the elderly.
The Undersecartery of the Minister of Social Development meets with the headquarters of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Ministers of Labour and Ministers of Social Affairs in GCC States.
H.E. Mrs. Sahar Rashid Al Mannai, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Development, received Mr. Mohammed bin Hassan Al Obaidli,headquarters of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Ministers of Labour and Ministers of Social Affairs in GCC countries. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Development praised the efforts of theExecutive Bureau in consolidating areas of cooperation with the GCC countries in order to reach more integrated and advanced development and social paths, stressing the Ministry’s keenness to commit to strengthening joint work in everything that would contribute to supporting the aspirations and visions of strategies. Development in the Council countries. During the meeting, ways to enhance joint cooperation were discussed, including in the fields of research, development and social studies, in addition to reviewing developments in the Executive Bureau’s work strategy and frameworks for priority projects for implementation. For his part, Mr. Mohammed bin Hassan Al-Obaidli, the headquarters of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Ministers of Labour and Ministers of Social Affairs in GCC countries, expressed his appreciation for the initiatives of the Ministry of Social Development and its keenness to advance paths of joint cooperation, noting the importance of Gulf efforts to develop the social system.
Minister of Social Development receives the Secretary-General of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF)
H.E. Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour, Minister of Social Development, received H.E> Sheikh Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Secretary-General of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation(RHF). During the meeting, the most prominent development initiatives and projects provided by the Ministry of Social Development to various segments of society, and protection and care programs aimed at enhancing social security, including programs directed at protecting children and developing productive families, as well as all aspects of support services, were reviewed. Charitable work projects at the Royal Humanitarian Foundation were also reviewed, including the “Nataj Bahrain Products” project, which is considered one of the Foundation’s most important development projects, and works to create distinguished pioneering Bahraini cadres in the field of production, in addition to development projects. In this regard, H.E. the Minister of Social Development expressed his appreciation for the executive management of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF) and its efforts to empower affiliated families, within the framework of implementing the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the honorary president of the Foundation, in order to The initiative to provide humanitarian and charitable work inside and outside the Kingdom, with direct follow-up and supervision by H.H. Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Representative of His Majesty the King for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs and Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, stressing that the Ministry of Social Development is keen to support all means with the Royal Foundation for Humanitarian Work within the framework of strengthening Social protection and care system. For his part, the Secretary-General of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF) affirmed moving forward with the commitment to achieve further progress in serving the nation and the citizen, within the visions and aspirations of His Majesty the King, and under the distinguished leadership of H.H. Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Representative of His Majesty the King for Humanitarian Affairs and Affairs. Al-Shabab, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation, to continue humanitarian work and provide comprehensive care to all deserving groups in the Kingdom, praising the efforts of the Ministry of Social Development and all its achievements in the areas of sustainable development, noting the importance of advancing paths of joint cooperation between the two entities.
The Ministry of Social Development participates in the 2nd meeting of the working team to amend the context of the unified regulation to empower persons with disabilities in Riyadh
Mr. Sadiq Sahwan, Rehabilitation Welfare Director at the Ministry of Social Development, participated in the 2nd meeting of the working team to amend the context of the unified regulation to empower persons with disabilities in the GCC countries, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which was organized by the General Secretariat of the GCC, in the presence of legal specialists from the Ministries of Social Development Affairs in the GCC countries, the Bureau Office of the Council of Ministers of Labor and the Council of Ministers of Social Affairs in the GCC countries. In this context, the Rehabilitation Welfare Director expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the team, and its commitment to developing legislation and empowering persons with disabilities, stressing the importance of adopting the unified law within the system of general rules, to provide legal protection, and enhance opportunities for participation and development for them, pointing out the importance of reviewing and updating the relevant laws and legislation, to ensure their compatibility with international best practices, as well as achieving social and economic integration for this category in the Gulf society. During the meeting, several main topics were discussed and amendments to the unified law were examined to enhance the rights of persons with disabilities and empower them in various fields, including enhancing education and vocational training, ensuring appropriate job opportunities, health care, access to public services, and community participation rights. Experiences and opinions were exchanged between team members and challenges and opportunities were reviewed to achieve positive change in the reality of persons with disabilities. The importance of coordination between member states was also emphasized, to exchange experiences and unify efforts made in this field.
The Minister of Social Development meets with the headquarters of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Ministers of Labour and Ministers of Social Affairs in GCC States.
H.E. Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al Asfoor, Minister of Social Development, received Mr. Mohammed bin Hassan Al-Obaidli, the headquarters of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Ministers of Labour and Ministers of Social Affairs in GCC States, within the framework of enhancing cooperation and coordination between the Ministry and the Executive Bureau. During the meeting, many initiatives and projects in the fields of social development were discussed, aiming to advance prospects for joint cooperation and adopt qualitative strategies and programs, to achieve sustainable development in GCC. H.E. the Minister of Social Development expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the Executive Bureau, through continuing effective partnerships between member states, stressing the Ministry's commitment to advancing the wheel of development towards more advanced levels, within the framework of exchanging experiences and knowledge to achieve common aspirations. In turn, the headquarters of the Executive Bureau stressed on the importance of cooperation and coordination of efforts in the areas of social development, acknowledging to continue developing these well-known relations in a way that opens the way for more opportunities for integration and interconnection, and enhances sustainable projects, and share goodness and development to Gulf societies.
The Minister of Social Development receives the President of Foundation For Women and Children in Ajman
H.E Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfoor, Minister of Social Development, received H.H. Sheikha Azza bint Rashid Al Nuaimi, President of Dubai Foundation For Women and Children in the United Arab Emirates, on the sidelines of H.Highness’s visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain. During the meeting, development initiatives and projects provided by the Ministry of Social Development in the field of women and child protection were reviewed, as well as welfare programs through specialized social institutions and temporary and alternative shelter centers, to achieve stability, family harmony, and psychological safety for children, indicating that the Ministry seeks to provide many Social Development services through community partnership programs with government sectors and civil society and private organizations. H.H. visited Dar Al-Aman Walfare for Women Subjected to Domestic Violence, and the Child Protection Center, in the Welfare & Social Protection Complex, with Mrs. Zainab Salman Al-Awainati, Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Assistant Undersecretary, and Ministry officials, to view the facilities of the welfare and center, and the most important procedures related to securing temporary shelter for individuals and families exposed to it. for domestic violence, and also for child protection, in addition to the quality services it provides in the health, legal and social fields, in addition to programs to support family harmony and rehabilitation. At the conclusion of the visit, H.H. Sheikha Azza bint Rashid Al Nuaimi, President of the Foundation for Women and Children in the State of United Arab Emirates, praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Social Development and its initiatives in providing the necessary protection for women and children, and providing aspects of social, psychological and legal services to these groups, stressing the keenness to Strengthening bilateral relations and developing strategic partnerships to support the issue of women and children and achieve the objectives of these matters.
The Ministry of Social Development participates in the 2nd preparatory meeting for the 7th Disability Theater Festival in the GCC countries.
Mr. Sadiq Sahwan, Rehabilitation Welfare Director at the Ministry of Social Development, participated in the2nd preparatory meeting of the Supreme Committee for the 7th Disability Theater Festival in the GCC countries, which was organized by the Ministry of Social Development and Family in the state of Qatar, in order to review the preparations for the new version of the festival, which will be held during the end of next November in the Qatari capital, Doha. On this occasion, the Rehabilitation Welfare Director stressed the importance of participating in the theatrical festival, to keep the attention to the multiple artistic theatrical talents of persons with disabilities in the GCC countries, and works to integrate them into cultural and artistic community activities and events, in addition to providing opportunities to achieve their ambitions. And sharing their talents and abilities in the arts of acting and theater, adding that the festival represents one of the forms of supporting and enabling persons with disabilities to show their talents and artistic abilities in the field of theater in all its types and forms. During the preparatory meeting, the program of the 7th Disability Theater Festival in the GCC countries. was discussed and the event was supervised, in addition to discussing the media plan and members of the arbitration committees, and following up on the readiness of the Gulf countries to actively participate in coordination with the Executive Office of the Council of Ministers of Social Affairs in the GCC countries. Arabic, and a number of theaters were also visited to choose the most suitable for presenting theatrical performances. The Gulf Theater Festival for People with Disabilities is held periodically every two years, hosted by the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and aims to integrate them into Gulf societies and raise the level of community awareness of their talents and abilities in the theatrical field. It is also considered an opportunity for them to present their various topics in their own way within the framework of artistic work and In order to integrate them into society.
The Ministry of Social Development launches an online registration service for family guidance programs through its offical website
The Ministry of Social Development launched an online registration service for family guidance programs, which includes a series of lectures provided by the Ministry to family members, as part of the Ministry’s ongoing efforts to develop social services and enhance the quality of life in Bahraini society. In this context, Mr. Faisal Ali Al-Ajlan, the Family Guidance Director, confirmed that this initiative aims to continue strengthening family guidance and increasing community awareness, through electronic and online lectures for which registration is made through the Ministry’s website (, indicating the Ministry’s keenness to continue Its initiatives aimed at enhancing family stability and providing the necessary support to families. He clarified that the program includes educational guidance lectures presented by an elite group of family guidance specialists, and will be updated continuously from time to time, and that the electronic registration service will allow beneficiaries to register easily, which saves time and effort and contributes to providing more effective and rapid services, adding that the electronic system is designed to meet The needs of all societal groups, including those about to get married and families who need guidance support on various family issues. The Ministry of Social Development encourages all citizens to benefit from awareness-raising family guidance programmes, and to contribute to enhancing the role of the family in building a strong and balanced society. Those wishing to benefit from family guidance programs can visit the Ministry’s website and complete the registration procedures.
The Minister of Social Development meets with the Family Affairs Assistant Undersecretary at the Ministry of Social Development and Family of the State of Qatar
H.E. Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfoor, Minister of Social Development, received Sheikha Sheikha bint Jassim Al Thani, the Family Affairs Assistant Undersecretary at the Ministry of Social Development and Family of the State of Qatar, on the sidelines of the Global Forum for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Investment, organized by the League of Arab States General Secretariat. During the meeting, H.E. the Minister of Social Development praised the close bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Qatar, welcoming ways to advance and advance aspects of cooperation in the developmental and social fields for the benefit of the two countries and citizens. For her part, Sheikha Sheikha bint Jassim Al Thani, the Family Affairs Assistant Undersecretary at the Ministry of Social Development and Family of the State of Qatar, expressed her appreciation for the government efforts made to promote sustainable social development in its comprehensive sense, wishing the Kingdom and its citizens continued progress and prosperity.
The Assistant Undersecretary briefed the Saudi delegation on the innovation in productive families on the occasion of their official visit to Bahrain
Aiming at enhancing cooperation and exchanging experiences in the developmental and social fields and encouraging entrepreneurship for productive families, a high-level Saudi delegation made a field visit to the Capital Complex for Bahraini Handmade Products, during their official visit to participate in the work of the Global Forum for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Investment organized by the League of Nations. On the sidelines of the thirty-third Arab summit. Professor Enas Mohammed Al-Majed, Assistant Undersecretary for Community Development at the Ministry of Social Development, briefed the Saudi delegation on the projects and initiatives being implemented through the Capital Complex in light of supporting productive families. She also gave a comprehensive presentation including the most prominent training and financing programs that contribute to product development and marketing, in addition to standards and laws. Which contributes to supporting and empowering Bahraini productive families. The two sides also discussed joint initiatives and projects in order to achieve community development in the areas of effective marketing and promotion of Bahraini products in the markets and exhibitions available in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For their part, members of the Saudi delegation praised the distinguished level of organization and development witnessed by the complex, especially the craft projects and handicrafts that represent an important cultural heritage, noting that such projects enhance national identity. The delegation expressed their appreciation for the efforts made to push towards further progress in the level of innovation and creativity through the launch of supportive pioneering products and initiatives, stressing the keenness to enhance aspects of cooperation and exchange of experiences between the two brotherly countries to develop social policies and programmes, in order to consolidate the distinguished fraternal and historical relations between the two countries.
The Minister of Social Development meets with the Minister of Social Solidarity of the Arab Republic of Egypt
H.E Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour, Minister of Social Development, received H.E.Ms. Nevin Riad Al-Qabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity of the Arab Republic of Egypt. During the meeting, the depth of the established fraternal relations between the Kingdom of Bahrain and Egypt was reviewed, and ways to advance aspects of bilateral cooperation between the two countries in terms of development and social fields. During the meeting, it was emphasized to continue efforts to enhance family and community security between the two countries, and to look forward to further exchanging experiences in the fields of development, care and social rehabilitation.
The Minister of Social Development meets with H.E. counterpart of Libya
H.E. Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour, Minister of Social Development, received H.E Ms. Wafaa Al-Kilani, Minister of Social Affairs of Libya. During the meeting, aspects of strengthening the strong fraternal relations between the two countries were discussed, and ways to develop bilateral cooperation in terms of developmental and social fields, as well as opening broader horizons within the framework of developing relations of cooperation and joint coordination, and exchanging experiences with projects and initiatives presented to various segments of society. In turn, H.E. Mrs. Wafaa Al-Kilani, Minister of Social Affairs of Libya, praised the Kingdom of Bahrain’s keenness to consolidate the social protection and care system, in light of the community partnership between various sectors, stressing continued efforts towards benefiting from experiences and enhancing aspects of joint cooperation in the social and development fields.
During the participation in the Global Forum for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Investment .. Minister of Social Development: Bahrain is recognized by its pioneering experience in the field of integ
H.E. Mr. Osama bin Ahmed Khalaf Al-Asfour, Minister of Social Development, participated in the 2nd edition of: “The Independent Living Initiative for People with Disabilities” and the Arab Productive Families Exhibition, as part of the activities of the 5th edition of the “Global Forum for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Investment,” organized by The League of Arab States General Secretariat , in coordination with the Union of Arab Chambers and the UNIDO Regional Office in the Kingdom of Bahrain, on the sidelines of the Arab Summit in the Kingdom. In a speech by H.E. at the beginning of the forum’s work, he stressed the importance of the forum hosted by the Kingdom of Bahrain, with the presence and participation of brothers from Arab countries and representatives of related entities, organizations and parties concerned with social work, at a time when the Kingdom is hosting the Arab Summit in conjunction with the silver jubilee of the accession of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa AlKhalifa. The successor to the country’s king, takes over the reins of government, which is considered a fundamental opportunity to consolidate joint Arab action, within the framework of coordination and cooperation and to benefit from the successful experiences that have been achieved. He said that this Arab event is an important occasion to highlight the role of entrepreneurship in empowering individuals with disabilities and productive families, and enhancing their opportunities for active participation in a way that contributes to their economic empowerment and achieving their ambitions. He noted that the forum reflects the extent of the common commitment to achieving progress and sustainable development, and embodies the most important images. Partnership and cooperation between different sectors to achieve the desired goals, especially with regard to the energies and creativity of people with disabilities, from which we derive all determination and strength towards continuing to achieve the ambitions of this important group in society. He also pointed out during the speech that Bahrain is characterized by a pioneering experience in the field of integrated social policies between the governmental, private and private sectors, through a number of social and development initiatives and projects concerned with people with disabilities and productive families, which were launched in accordance with the vision of the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain to work to build a Bahraini society based on integration. And cohesion, partnership and justice, in order to achieve for the Kingdom a distinguished regional and global position in the field of integrated social policies. He stressed the Kingdom of Bahrain’s keenness to support entrepreneurship in its various fields, and works to encourage creativity and innovation, as well as providing the appropriate environment for business growth and expanding its opportunities in society, in order to achieve the principles of justice, equality, and equal opportunities among all citizens in general. The forum included a number of speeches by Their Excellencies and Excellencies in the Arab countries, through which they stressed the importance of the forum, which comes in line with the work of the Arab Summit hosted by the Kingdom of Bahrain, to consolidate joint cooperation towards achieving sustainable development goals and implementing the ambitious development visions of the Arab countries, as was done during The Arab event handed over prizes to the winners of the first edition of the Independent Living Initiative for people with disabilities, by relevant organizations and entities.